PACT Project in Spain – Improving services to people at risk of social exclusion

On the 25th September 2018 EAPN Ireland hosted a workshop in Dublin to spread the learning from the PACT project which is coming to an end in the Castilla y León region of Spain. The workshop entitled “Designing integrated supports for families experiencing social exclusion” involved presenters and participants from state agencies, public authorities and community organisations in Ireland and Spain.
The ProActive Case-based Targeted model (PACT) is a pilot initiative in the Spanish region of Castilla y León. PACT is piloting a new model in Spain which looks to bring about changes in the way social services are delivered so as to better identify and provide timely services to individuals and families at risk of social exclusion.
The programme for the Dublin workshop included the following presentations:
- Social Welfare and Social Services in Castilla y León and Spain by Soraya Díez Paunero – Local Council of Valladolid
- The Irish System by Amelia Dulee-Kinsolving, Data Analyst and Labour Market Researcher, SOLAS
- PACT Overview, Results and Learning by Juan José Compadre Riaño – Local Council of León, Ana María Negro Macho – University of Valladolid and Juan Miguel Calvo Marcos – Regional Social Services Management, Castilla y León
The PACT project has produced five Communications to spread the learning from the project.
- Tool for identifying someone’s risk of social exclusion
- Team Training
- Interventions with participants
- Public-Private Collaboration – Map of resources
- Segmentation – Identifying those most at risk
More information on PACT is available in the project leaflet and on the PACT website.
PACT is co-funded by the European Commission through the EU Programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI) 2014-2020.