EAPN Ireland Pre-Budget 2025 Submission

The EAPN Ireland Pre-Budget 2025 Submission outlines our priorities and proposals for Budget 2025.
This will be the last Budget of the current Government, a final opportunity to leave a lasting legacy when it comes to addressing poverty and social exclusion in Ireland. Budget 2025 must prioritise measures which contribute toward Ireland meeting its anti-poverty commitments. This cannot be achieved without measures that are sustained and tackle the structural nature of poverty and social exclusion.
Tackling the root causes of poverty can only be achieved in any effective way through the implementation of a genuinely integrated strategy across all Government policy, underpinned by sustainable investment, and financed by progressive and redistributive taxation.
As a priority, the Government must ensure everyone has access to an adequate income, whether from work or social welfare or a mix of both. This involves benchmarking minimum wages and welfare supports to the cost of living. It must also ensure everyone has access to quality services such as health, housing, education, transport, energy, childcare and social care. It must also proof all relevant policy for its impact on poverty, and give an effective and meaningful voice to people experiencing poverty in how policies are developed and implemented.