EAPN Ireland Briefing: 2023 Income & Poverty Data

The EAPN Ireland Briefing on 2023 Income and Poverty Data is now available.
The briefing provides important information on income, poverty, and inequality in Ireland and the groups most impacted. It highlights key points that help to understand the findings of SILC 2023, and particularly the changes that occurred between 2022 and 2023.
The briefing also outlines the crucial measures the Government must take to achieve the commitment in the Roadmap for Social Inclusion 2020-2025 to reduce the level of those in consistent poverty to 2% or less by 2025. While SILC 2023 shows progress towards this target, it cannot be achieved without measures that are sustained and tackle the structural nature of poverty.
Read the full EAPN Ireland Briefing on 2023 Income and Poverty Data here.