Report on Foundations for Futures Europe Project Activities

During 2021 and 2022 EAPN Ireland was a partner in a project called Foundations for Futures Europe. The overall aim of the FFE project is to develop a network of Higher Education and Civil Society (NGOs) Partners to engage citizens in debates and discussion groups around the future direction of the European project. It involved six partners including the Universities of Maynooth in Ireland, Novi-Sad in Serbia and Pécs in Hungary and the three NGOs of Urkraft in Sweden, the Hellenic Anti-Poverty Network in Greece and EAPN Ireland.
EAPN Ireland carried out four workshops under the theme under the theme ‘Creating a social and inclusive Europe’. The report on these workshops is available here.
The full list and details carried out by the Foundations for Futures Europe project is here.
The project was funded under the European Commission’s Europe for Citizens programme.