Ireland’s contribution to the EU’s role in tackling poverty

Read EAPN Ireland’s publication, ‘Ireland’s Contribution to the EU Role in Tackling Poverty’,  published to coincide with its conference of the same name, which was held on 29th May 2023 to mark 50 years of Ireland’s membership of the EU. Its aim is to reflect on EU developments in the fight against poverty and social exclusion over the past 50 years since Ireland joined in 1973. In particular to understand what Ireland’s contribution has been, and how Ireland has benefitted over that time in order to draw lessons for the future. The publication contains a number of articles including:

‘50 years of the fight against poverty and social exclusion and for a more Social Europe’ by Hugh Frazer, Adjunct Professor in the Department of Applied Social Studies in Maynooth University; ‘From Poverty to Social Inclusion: The EU and Ireland’ by the late Seamus O’Cinneide, who was Professor of Applied Social Studies in Maynooth University; EAPN Ireland Briefing on the Development of a Social Europe; EAPN Ireland Position Paper on the Future of Europe; a table presenting Key Moments in EU Social Policy beginning from the Treaty of Rome in 1957 to date.

Read the full publication

See more information about the conference