Rethinking a More Inclusive and Equal Ireland for 2020 and Beyond

The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) Ireland has today published a policy briefing entitled “Rethinking a more Inclusive and Equal Ireland for 2020 and Beyond” reflecting the impact the current pandemic has had on Irish society and the people and communities that are most at risk. The document outlines the policy areas that EAPN Ireland believes the Government needs to focus on as a priority in a post pandemic society.

The COVID-19 pandemic has served to further highlight the structural inequalities in Ireland, which existed at crisis levels prior to the pandemic, that have predominantly impacted people living in poverty and marginalised communities. This publication emphasises the core policy areas the Government must actively respond to in order to ensure that Ireland as a country does not return to the dark days of austerity policy,but instead utilises the current crisis as an opportunity for progressive policy measures and reforms for the benefit of all.

Paul Ginnell Director of EAPN Ireland states: “The new EAPN Ireland publication reminds people that while many of the measures introduced as part of the response to the COVID-19 pandemic are welcome and have been effective, it is important to note that that many people and communities have been experiencing the pandemic from a point of disadvantage and will suffer the greatest negative impacts from any economic fallout we experience because of the recent lockdown.”

He goes on to say “It is essential that as we move beyond the current emergency, the longer-term responses that are put in place must lead to a more socially inclusive society and we must ensure that the people and communities that were left behind prior the pandemic are not left behind again.”

Mr Ginnell concluded, “The collective unity we have seen throughout the recent pandemic has revealed the best of Ireland and shown a true sense of solidarity and community. We now need this solidarity to continue and for the new Government to show leadership and make the decisions that are necessary, to create a society that we will all be proud of. This publication includes proposals for policy changes that will help to make this happen.”



Read: “Rethinking a more Inclusive and Equal Ireland for 2020 and Beyond” here.

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