Minimum Essential Standard of Living 2019

The Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice recently published their updated research on the Minimum Essential Standard of Living (MESL) for 2019. This research reflects what it costs to have a minimum essential standard of living in Ireland,that is the standard below which nobody should have to live.
As part of EAPN Irelands work on adequate and accessible social welfare supports, we believe MESL should be utilised as a bench mark for setting social welfare payments and income adequacy. We believe all households should have an income that lifts people above the poverty line and provides the Minimum Essential Standard of Living.
EAPN Ireland is part of the European Minimum Income Network, a European wide campaign supporting the provision of minimum income supports across Europe. EAPN Ireland also coordinates the Minimum Income Network Ireland, a network of 14 organisations who advocate around adequate and accessible social welfare supports on a national basis for all who need them.
Further information on the MESL research can be found here.