Giving Health Inequality a Voice Report-Online workshop and launch Wednesday 23rd September 2020 @ 11:00am

The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) Ireland is running a project called ‘A community approach to addressing health inequalities and strengthening the Right to Health’.The overall goal is to draw on the experience of communities to strengthen how health strategies such as Sláintecare and Healthy Ireland address health inequalities and achieve better health outcomes.
In order to capture the lived experience of various public health service users EAPN Ireland facilitated five community conversations on how to improve services and reduce health inequalities.These community conversations took place in late 2019 in Longford Town, Tallaght and the North Inner City in Dublin, Knocknaheeney in Cork City and Donegal Town.
The findings from the community conversations are now included in the Giving Health Inequality a Voice Report.
This workshop will give participants an opportunity to listen to and discuss the Giving Health Inequality a Voice report which will be launched at the event. It replaces the Roundtable on Health Inequality which was postponed in April 2020.
It will bring together participants from the community conversations and decision makers from the HSE and Department of Healthalong with representatives for community organisationsand others working to address health inequality.
To register: Email: