EAPN Ireland General Election Manifesto 2024


The European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) Ireland General Election Manifesto 2024 sets out our priorities for the next Government. It outlines a range of commitments we are calling on all candidates and political parties to adopt, and to deliver should they form the next Government.

It covers the following eight key areas:

  1. Systemic Change
  2. Income Adequacy
  3. Inclusive Labour Markets
  4. Access To Essential Public Services
  5. Collaborative Governance
  6. Autonomous Community Development
  7. Sustainable Funding for Social Investment
  8. Poverty Proofing & Mainstreaming


We are calling on the next Government to commit to eradicating, not just alleviating, poverty.

Priority must be given to addressing the systemic and structural root causes of poverty, social exclusion and inequality. This can only be achieved in any effective way through the implementation of a genuinely integrated strategy across all Government policy, which addresses the multidimensional nature of poverty.

This means a real Government commitment to ensuring everyone in Ireland has access to an adequate income, to affordable and quality essential services, and to decent jobs. This also means maintaining and building a sustainable, progressive and redistributive tax system – not hollowing it out. It must also involve proofing all relevant policy for its impact on poverty and giving an effective and meaningful voice to people experiencing poverty in how policies are developed and implemented.

Poverty is a human rights violation and ending poverty is a political choice.

We need to know we are voting for candidates and parties that are serious about addressing poverty, social exclusion and inequality.

Read our Manifesto HERE

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