Watch EAPN Irelands 30th Anniversary Seminar

On November 5th, EAPN Ireland held its 30th Anniversary Seminar:
“Poverty in Ireland and the EU – Past, Present and Future. Drawing lessons from the past and present in the ongoing struggle to eradicate poverty.”
The seminar was attended by individuals from across the Community and Voluntary sector and raised important discussion regarding poverty in Ireland in current times and how to address poverty and inequality moving forward.
Speakers at the seminar included:
- Oliver De Schutter, UN Rapporteur on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights
- Fintan Farrell, Founding member of EAPN and former Director of the Irish Traveller Movement and EAPN (Europe)
- Deirdre McCarthy – Policy and Research Coordinator, Dublin City Community Coop
You can now watch the full seminar here.